In today's modern world it's hard to catch a moment to sit down, much less coordinate the whole family to meet at the dinner table. Between homework, late nights at the office, trying to fit in some exercise and finding time to just relax, getting the whole family together for a meal can seem like a Herculean task. Yet there are countless benefits to doing so, and it's a true pity so few families endeavor to weave their members together through shared food. In today's article we are going to look at three reasons you should try to get everybody together as often as possible, and help you understand how important it can be not just for yourself, but for your family as a whole.
The first reason is the simplest and most obvious: by having control over what your kids eat, you can help them learn to eat healthy food. If you take them to restaurants or simply let them fix their own meals out of the fridge, they will often opt for the more delicious but less healthy combinations, avoiding vegetables and the like. However, by having them sit down at your table you can serve them what they need to eat, and they can begin to accept vegetables as a necessary and even delicious part of their meal, learning good habits from an early age.
This naturally flows over to the second benefit, which is how eating nutritious meals can help them become healthier, more vibrant and energetic. Child obesity and diabetes is on the rise as kids eat too much junk food, growing up on a diet of sugar and fast food. By getting your kids to eat healthy food at the dinner table with you, they will begin to benefit from a stronger immune system, a healthier cardiovascular system, and all sorts of other benefits as they get all the nutrition they need.
Finally, you can spend time together, enjoying each other's company, learning what you each did throughout the course of your day, what you accomplished and what mattered to each of you. Doing so will bind your family closer, will give you a common space in which to share and grow together, and give your kids a wonderful sense of belonging to a greater whole, of being part of a family and laying down a foundation of emotional security they will benefit from down the years of their own precious lives.
The first reason is the simplest and most obvious: by having control over what your kids eat, you can help them learn to eat healthy food. If you take them to restaurants or simply let them fix their own meals out of the fridge, they will often opt for the more delicious but less healthy combinations, avoiding vegetables and the like. However, by having them sit down at your table you can serve them what they need to eat, and they can begin to accept vegetables as a necessary and even delicious part of their meal, learning good habits from an early age.
This naturally flows over to the second benefit, which is how eating nutritious meals can help them become healthier, more vibrant and energetic. Child obesity and diabetes is on the rise as kids eat too much junk food, growing up on a diet of sugar and fast food. By getting your kids to eat healthy food at the dinner table with you, they will begin to benefit from a stronger immune system, a healthier cardiovascular system, and all sorts of other benefits as they get all the nutrition they need.
Finally, you can spend time together, enjoying each other's company, learning what you each did throughout the course of your day, what you accomplished and what mattered to each of you. Doing so will bind your family closer, will give you a common space in which to share and grow together, and give your kids a wonderful sense of belonging to a greater whole, of being part of a family and laying down a foundation of emotional security they will benefit from down the years of their own precious lives.
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